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A Radical Awakening: Turn Pain into Power, Embrace Your Truth, Live Free

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one of the characteristics of my dream is to be extremely pragmatic: when I want to kill a fly, I grab a newspaper and swat it. Most people act that way, you say. As to material things, yes, but not when it concerns the spiritual. By that, I mean that when they encounter the “illusion,” they try to suppress the “Illusion,” in general, rather than confront themselves with their illusion. It’s like trying to liquidate the entire species of flies when swatting the one that’s bothering you. In short, I came to grips with my problem in a practical manner. “I think, therefore I am”: instead of examining the question of “Being,” “Thought,” and their relationships, I made myself the subject of the sentence, referring to the living reality of these words in me. I tried to grasp that formula, not intellectually, but with my very life. I pursued this effort for half an hour, an hour, until exhaustion. My intellectual faculties cried for mercy, I felt as if I were dragging myself along on bloodied knees and said to myself, “You’re crazy! Give it up! In the state you’re in, you don’t have the slightest chance of penetrating the mystery of that sentence.” Primero sólo pensé que este libro era cero "radical awakening". Luego por los ejemplos que usa pensé que para personas recién iniciándose podría ser útil, particularmente para madres... ¡Pero cuando me salen con esto...! POR FAVOR HUYAN DE AQUÍ. Esto es una visión patriarcal y triste de la sexualidad femenina que sólo puede servir para condonar a abusadores. GF: Among the people supposed to have attained the awakening or approached it, history and tradition present us, on the one hand, examples of very refined, intelligent, cultivated beings and, on the other, with examples of uneducated monks sweeping the cloister-humble characters living that which the literate and the wise men speak of without having had the experience. Also, the entire book is about dismantling self-constructed egos and the effects female biology and female social conditioning have on all women, but then goes on to validate made-up gender identities like "gender-fluid" and she doesn't seem to see the complete and utter hypocrisy. She even says gender is a construct and part of the ego (which we are supposedly dismantling in this book) then says she validates personal gender identities, as though they're above scrutiny and can't be examined. This is where I stopped reading and realized she's just as mired in her ego as everyone else. She felt the need to virtue-signal to appease the gender trend. Absolute hypocrisy.

According to Tsabary, women especially are disconnected from their inner selves due to conditioning from the patriarchy. “Girls are trained to forever forage for three things I talk about: approval, validation, and praise. These are so core to our worth,” Tsabary told Oprah. “Because girls are trained to give up their inner voice in their giving to the other, we lose any sense of our inner connection, looking for the other to validate us. We search for it in all the wrong places.” SJ: First of all, it’s necessary to grasp that the awakening comes first in relation to the ecstatic and legitimate effects it induces. The supreme knowledge is of a radically different essence than the ecstasies and other extraordinary joys it’s likely to induce. It would be dangerous to concentrate on the ecstasies.DNF. As a victim of childhood emotional trauma from my father's anger and a victim of domestic abuse from a rageful narcissistic partner, and having thoroughly worked through these issues with therapists, I was very annoyed at how she claims it is the woman's responsibility to make sure she doesn't attract these men. That I myself am complicit in my own abuse. Absolutely not, it took a decade to finally come to terms that the abuse suffered from these men (and others) and it was NOT MY FAULT. Women are not at fault for the abuse they suffer from men. I didn't ask for it, no woman does, and I took action as soon as it was safe to escape (and that's a possibility I know a lot of women don't have). Maybe this is not what she meant, but she goes out of her way to give men a pass with their bad behaviour. She seems very privileged in her perspective and drastically over-simplifies the complex situations of abusive relationships.

GF: What you say makes me think of something Jean Sullivan wrote: “Swindling: to convince others that the words aren’t very important because the spiritual reality is inexpressible and, thereby, to justify the platitude of mechanical associations. Yet, without language, that is to say with neither action nor creation, there is nothing.” It took me years into my journey to accept how much I had allowed my own worth and voice to be crushed by the men around me. I’m almost ashamed to admit that I was so blind and conditioned as to allow myself to be silenced in the ways I did most of my life. I almost don’t want you to know this side of me. I want you to project an aura of perfection, wisdom, and power onto me. Yet I also know that it’s only when I lay bare the honest truth about my own awakening process that you may be able to begin yours. SJ: There is certainly a union of the subject and the object but they do not “fuse,” they do not disappear in some kind of undistinguishable magma. What’s miraculous in these experiences is that, without in the least losing my identity, in legitimately remaining who I am, I become the table, the stove, or the mountain, or the entire landscape, which, in turn, remains integrally itself. A remains A, B remains B, and yet A is in the heart of B, B in the heart of A. If both terms cancelled out each other’s original nature in this fusion, there would be no miracle, there wouldn’t be anything at all. This point seems important to me to the extent that, ordinarily, I find it poorly understood. If one believes what one reads or hears, if John becomes the tree, the tree, such as it is, is consumed, as is John.

Dr. Shefali

A Radical Awakening lays out a path for women to heal their psychic wounds and prepares them to discover their own powers to help heal others and the planet. Dr Shefali helps women uncover the purpose that already exists within them and harness the power of authenticity in every area of their lives. Lumea în care trăim ne-a condiționat să ne transferăm nemulțumirea interioară către exterior, fie învinuindu-i pe ceilalți, fie în adicții cum ar fi cumpărături sau consumul de substanțe. Când simțim zgomotul deconectării interioare, presupunem imediat că lipsește ceva din exterior. Așadar, data viitoare când cauți să dai vina pe ceva din exterior, să repari, să consumi sau să faci ceva pentru a te simți fericită și cu o viață importantă, fă o pauză și întreabă-te ce-ți lipsește acum. Răspunsul va avea adesea legătură cu o căutare a semnificației. Poate cauți validarea, aprobarea, sentimentul de apartenență, nevoia de dragoste sau aprecierea din partea unei anumite persoane. Asta îți lipsește, nu acel „lucru” din afară. Fericirea este un sentiment trecător. Vine și pleacă, la fel ca toate sentimentele. Nu este ceva de care să fii atașată. Când suntem atașate de ea, de-abia așteptăm următoarea „soluție” fericită. În mod inconștient, rezistăm la acele experiențe de viață care ne provoacă orice grad de tristețe, furie sau durere sau le respingem. Întreabă-te dacă este acesta un mod realist de a trăi - dorindu-ți doar o viață plină de curcubeie și sclipici?” With this in mind, you may be surprised to hear that the facade we refer to as the ego is actually a good guy. The ego is a picture we carry of ourselves in our head, a way of seeing ourselves that meshes well with what our family and society expect of us. Having developed slowly in response to our upbringing, it cleverly teaches us a way of functioning that suits our everyday reality. SJ: I can’t compromise and am obliged to answer sharply: that future you talk about in which you’ll die and I’ll die is an extension of the principle “me.” In itself, it has no reality whatsoever. There’s no objective substratum and thus no death that’s pure thought. Even when you’re taking your last breath, I’ll tell you the same thing-it’s pure thought. One must, imperatively and for practical reasons of spiritual survival, treat the problem in that manner. I can only reject what your question designates. Doing this, I reject the question itself, he who poses it, and he who responds to it. It’s very important to approach things this way. In fact, it’s one’s chance of survival and eternity. I’m going to concede a point and admit that death is a real thing. The only victory that one can hope to have over death resides in its perception as pure thought. That’s all. . . . . The Dream at the Center of the Dream

So conditioned are women to abandon any vestige of inner truth for the sake of fitting into what our parents or culture want for us that we go through life unaware such a split even exists. Sometimes we may feel a rumbling within that shows up as discontent or in flares of anger, but we downplay these as a mood or attribute them to some issue that ruffled our feathers. We bypass our inner schism unaware that it is creating deep crevices in our lives.


Imagine if women everywhere began to speak their authentic truth about how it really feels to be who they are, including their fears and failures. Can you imagine the release of pressure we would feel? We would no longer need to walk around feeling cloistered and suffocated, pretending to live perfect lives. We would set ourselves, and each other, free. If our parents admonished us for being too emotional or too this or too that, many of us immediately reacted to their injunctions in some rapid-fire way, adjusting our temperaments to match their standards. As happened with Trista, the ego becomes our armor, our protector, helping us adjust to a misaligned childhood. As long as fear eclipses the language of our soul, we continue to be puppets to external forces. Under the tutelage of fear, our ego performs like an automaton. Robotically reactive, we become a slave to fear in its many forms: SJ: From which proceeds this counterfeit world, this pale copy of a reality-interior and exterior-in which we live. This second source falsifies everything all at once. The falsification takes place from birth; it’s already there when the infant emerges from the mother’s body. So much so that, from the start, we live in a state of permanent hallucination, in the torrent gushing from this impure source.

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