Posted 20 hours ago

60 Cleaning Wipes W5 Suitable To Clean Glasses, Cameras, Binoculars, Car Mirrors, Helmet Visors, Computer Screens, Televisions, Mobile Phones Iphone Android

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The other solutions we have seen are people removing the blotched antiglare coating with metal polish, however, when we tried this solution it took repeated applications and was an extremely slow process (see our tech note below). We even tried it with a hand held buffer as well as various solvents. One person said what worked best for them was Peek Metal Polish (actually also polishes acrylic, etc) followed by rubbing alcohol for removing the anti-glare coasting. Also PolyWatch for the fine screen scratches. But again, these processes were too time intensive.

Hola Estimados. Espero que estén muy bien! La información que contiene esta pagina ha sido muy útil para muchas personas, pero algunas como yo, continúan con el problema, específicamente para los MACBOOK 15 PULGADAS DE FINES DEL 2013. Al parecer este equipo tiene un recubrimiento más resistente que el resto de los Macbook. En mi caso, yo ya intente con Listerine, toallitas de Clorox, y otras toallas multiuso, pero nada ha funcionado. Ahora ultimo compre POLYWATCH por Aliexpress, para ver si esto resulta. Los usuario que tenga el mismo problema, por favor respondan por acá la posible solución. De antemano muchas gracias! Saludos desde Chile! I bought a used Macbook Pro a couple of weeks ago with quite bad Staingate. At first, I used the Listerine and that worked a treat. Got about 90% of the screen in like 5 minutes. But then, like many others, I was left with a really robust part of the coating in the upper region of the screen. I tried Listerine, the W5 wipes, cleaners, Polywatch, and a lot of elbow grease for 1 hour - not any improvement. It’s hard to beat the Wonder Wipes in terms of price vs performance. The new Draper Smooth wipes produced an impressive stain result and the Armor All Gloss came up as the best of the car-specific wipes.a>

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