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If you have been suffering from repetitive heartburn or indigestion symptoms for some time, remember to see your doctor regularly. Bolest hlavy, závratě, průjem, nevolnost, zvracení, nadýmání a plynatost (větry), zácpa, sucho v ústech, bolest břicha a nepříjemné pocity v břiše, kožní vyrážka, exantém, kožní výsev, svědění, pocit slabosti, vyčerpání či celkově špatného zdraví, poruchy spánku.

Out of the 17 studies provided by the applicant, the following 6 studies formed the basis of the applicant?s request for data exclusivity: creşterea nivelului de bilirubină; creşterea nivelului de grăsimi în sânge, scăderea bruscă a celulelor albe granulare circulante din sânge, asociată cu febră mare. jestliže máte závažné onemocnění jater. Informujte prosím svého lékaře, pokud jste měl(a) někdy v minulosti problémy s játry. Lékař Vám bude častěji kontrolovat jaterní enzymy, zejména pokud Controloc 40 mg užíváte dlouhodobě. V případě zvýšení jaterních enzymů se musí léčba ukončit.

Kiedy nie stosować preparatu Controloc 40 - tabletki dojelitowe?

Insa trebuie folosita in anumite conditii, pentru ca poate influenta negativ dezvoltarea armonioasa a micutilor. Dacă luaţi în acelaşi timp cu pantoprazol un medicament care conţine atazanavir (pentru tratarea infecţiei cu HIV), cereţi sfatul medicului. Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start taking this medicine because it contains important information for you. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.

BF010 (CSR 298E/99) This study compared the efficacy of omeprazole 10 mg versus pantoprazole 20 mg at day 28 in patients without oesophagitis established by endoscopy. No day 14 data was available in the study report. In the non-prescription product setting, the patient would be self-referring to their physician if no symptomatic relief was obtained by day 14, making this study of limited value in the non-prescription context. Additionally, the usual starting dose for omeprazole in reflux disease is 20 mg; 10 mg omeprazole is not therapeutically equivalent to 20 mg pantoprazole. The study contained a treatment phase C; days 29-56, but again, this is not relevant to a non-prescription indication of no more than 28 days. Overall this study provides no relevant data analogous to the initial non-prescription medication period of up to 14 days. Additionally, in other studies efficacy of pantoprazole was compared to other PPIs (lansoprazole, esomeprazole) and it was found to be non-inferior to these PPIs in relieving symptoms of heartburn and acid regurgitation (Study VMG305 and M3-320). Infecţia cu bacteria numită Helicobacter pylori la pacienţii cu ulcere duodenale şi stomacale în combinaţie cu două antibiotice (Terapie de eradicare). Scopul este de a suprima bacteria şi de a reduce probabilitatea reapariţiei acestor ulcere. reduced absorption of Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B12 deficiency if you already have low body stores of Vitamin B12. SCIENTIFIC CONCLUSIONS AND GROUNDS FOR REFUSAL ON THE CLAIM FOR ONE-YEAR DATA EXCLUSIVITY PRESENTED BY THE EMEA Dacă suferiţi de afecţiuni hepatice severe, nu trebuie să luaţi mai mult de un comprimat de 20 mg pe zi.Doporučovaná počáteční dávka je obvykle 2 tablety denně. Vezměte si tyto dvě tablety jednu hodinu před jídlem. Lékař Vám později může upravit dávku podle množství produkované žaludeční kyseliny. MEX020 (CSR 200/2004) In this study the efficacy of 20 mg pantoprazole was compared to 10 mg omeprazole at day 28 in Obvyklá dávka je jedna tableta denně. Po konzultaci s lékařem je možné dávku zdvojnásobit. Lékař Vám sdělí, jak dlouho máte přípravek užívat. Doba léčení žaludečních vředů je zpravidla 4 až 8 týdnů. Doba léčení dvanáctníkových vředů je zpravidla 2 až 4 týdny. Nu există date relevante cu privire la utilizarea pantoprazolului la femeile gravide. Nu se cunoaşte dacă pantoprazolul este excretat în laptele matern uman. Dacă sunteţi gravidă sau alăptaţi, credeţi că aţi putea fi gravidă sau intenţionaţi să rămâneţi gravidă, adresaţi-vă medicului sau farmacistului pentru recomandări înainte de a lua acest medicament. Trebuie să utilizaţi acest medicament numai dacă medicul dumneavoastră consideră că beneficiul pe care acesta vi-l poate aduce dumneavoastră este mai mare decât riscul potenţial pentru fătul sau pentru copilul dumneavoastră.

Rare side effects: disturbances in vision such as blurred vision; pain in the joints; muscle pains; weight changes; raised body temperature; swelling of the extremities; allergic reactions; depression; increased bilirubin and fat levels in blood (seen in blood tests). Substanţa activă este pantoprazolul. Fiecare compr cazul în care luați Controloc pentru o perioadă de timp mai mare de trei luni, este posibil ca nivelul de magneziu din sânge să scadă. Nivelul scăzut de magneziu din sânge poate cauza oboseală, contracții musculare involuntare, dezorientare, convulsii, amețeală, creșterea ritmului inimii. Dacă observaţi apariţia oricăreia dintre aceste simptome, adresaţi-vă imediat medicului dumneavoastră. Niveluri scăzute de magneziu pot deasemenea produce o reducere a nivelurilor de potasiu și calciu din sânge. Medicul dumneavoastră va decide dacă nivelul de magneziu din sânge trebuie verificat periodic . Atazanavir (utilizat în tratarea infecţiei cu HIV) şi alte medicamente utilizate în tratarea infecţiei cu HIV.

Příbalový leták - CONTROLOC 40 MG

BY1023FK3034 16695 Endoscopic healing of GORD Stage I 48 weeks Relief of leading GORD symptoms and other GI symptoms Pan 20, Ran 300 once daily Pantoprazole was significantly more effective than ranitidine 201 BY1023BGSA006 20895 Endoscopic healing of GORD Stage I 48 weeks Relief of leading GORD symptoms and other GI symptoms Pan 20, Ran 300 once daily Pantoprazole was significantly more effective than ranitidine 603 3001A1-300-US 319E98 Endoscopic healing erosive esophagitis Relief of typical GORD symptoms Pan 10, 20, 40, Pla 48 weeks Pantoprazole was significantly more effective than placebo 243 3001A1-301-US 320E98 Endoscopic healing erosive esophagitis Relief of typical GORD symptoms Pan 20, 40, Niz 150 bid 48 weeks Pantoprazole was significantly more effective than nizatidine 327 BY1023UK005 30398 Pan 20, Ome 20 48 weeks Endoscopic healing of GORD Stage I after 4 weeks Endoscopic healing of GORD Stage I after 8 weeks, Improvement of GORD symptoms after 2 and 4 weeks Pantoprazole and omeprazole were similarly effective CSR Clinical Study Report, N Number of Patients, Eso Esomeprazole, Lan Lansoprazole, Niz Nizatidine, Ome Omeprazole, Pan Pantoprazole, Pla Placebo, Ran Ranitidine, bid twice daily

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