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Worlds Beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Universe

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entire terrestrial land with one-hundred-mile sky disks. That will give some idea of the countless luminous “rounded Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, U.S.N., before his seven hour flight over the land beyond the North Pole. Increase of speed and power would hasten the development whereby it would become lost outside the Universe I heard about Worlds Beyond The Poles after it was mentioned in a certain controversial debate regarding the shape of Earth. I'm sure anyone who has used the internet in their daily lives over the last few years has at least heard of this debate. It happened to be one that I was grossly interested in.

rrn J1;o;t\\ the United r of'' c~ ~ COurse 'odf Ulcm t<'U> cO':11'1l.anl l <,' cond' th t co roVl C long las t P \"Pllce. An P ISolated m d the Sout UtI'\"Wllh.~eu, lthdeatP h 1 shoulJ Ian- the go ~~~ IS nc;iliead be) on ther cour t d Pell d .~~Ie~~~~;~~ f~rn~u:~::~~n~:::tl~~Ol.tnd rluh •~I' respD ent oth r \"~.:5C1\"'-' mO\\flll unreasona could me dI('SOllthbaPseo\"led. t ,tue\"Io\\ uld be ~Pfoairnyt.laTnhde, ba e l!\\' ot r a hreemd oitne or at • I ,jteUDltelenth be estab . r ex lorer. Rtar ~d ~O'_\",onr,ee ble pOint acce.ss~isclotl ed tlh it B Td was to colmtffi;ndle., land the the world s elde ~(.)~I!tI,W~\"w1\"asRlchamrdoriElb,'lee -n : mto t 'ol a 111C'- e p e d i t lOn. aI B\\ rd \\\\'a, , e_r vorpo ut • .uP·94~r:unent's me th Pole Rear d ~\\ond the Sou knew that he 1 jour- nonnt e'Is\"hoofoItllS, 1 I ed fl~i~tdEarth, uppo t . \"al person \\\\ ho I mt U1 perfo u, the :\\orth Po e po tending on mo' emen tnreo\\mo,'er Iandd aHnde water ex a fro~ hiHseBIoen.teon northern en D I from contran' to that terrestrial leve home to the , livered that he was to he de t iIll' the South Pohlie . is the mos bse. Prior to s 'Ioarn!dd.-bTeh•voendmdmitrhaeJ tphoe momentous that the 8base at rtant an~t.hi.s nSattaitoens. or , qPuoleentto an o~ahead and had not been he 115h terre\" that pomt l.S t And our other natIOn, has Hence the ~~asch~Iat rmarcate' n'ssatJn~cds the same level trial man on coefletst~iaul 1'&t1 and en. astrOllOill I came across this name and idea, while working on the research on Athanasius Kircher and Comenius in 1993 in University Library in Amsterdam. Since “up” is always relative, our celestial cousins look up, or out, through their inner blue sky, as we do through I'm pleased to have this book in my personal collection, but unless there are some mind-shattering revelations to come about our universe, this volume will remain just a conversation piece, a brain-teaser, a relic from the mind of the twentieth century's most progressive thinker - or perhaps just the ravings of a man inflicted by deep psychosis.and there is no doubt that it could be launched) would either be lost in space infinite or be returned to some area of WORLDS BEYOND 'l'BB l'OLD the blstory of the world.--Admiral Byrd, before drpGrt- big to e1plore land beyond 1M South Pole 1956: Jln!!lry 13. -On J'n!!lry 13 members of the United States expedition ..........plisbed a Sight of 2,700 mn. &om the base at McMuido Sound, which is 400 miles west of the South Pole, and~etnted a land ..,., of lI,3OO mila beyond the P .--Rlullo _ _ _ _• confonrwd by th. prea February 5 March 13. \"Tb.e present expedition bas opened up a vut new land.--Admiral Byrd, after mumIng from land beyond the South Pole 1957: -••• that enchanted conHnent In 1M .Icy. land of ever- lasting mysteryl--Admiral Byrd ONLY DREAMS ARE TRUE The t:aDItlble and real, On wliich our Uves are based, Wu yesterdays ideal. A rosy picture traced By IOID8 quaint visionary- Impractical, \"half-crac1ced-- Painting his fancies eerie; ADd now it's soUd fact. Whatever we hold stable, Dependable and sane Wu ooce a hopeful fable Of -castles bunt in Spain.· BefOJe the fact, the fancy, Before the deed, the Dream, That builds by DeCi()!llAncy The hard, material scheme. In his book he put forward his theory that the earth is linked to the moon and planets by a continuous land surface. He came to the idea of an interconnected universe while walking through the New England woods in October 1926. The images came to him via ESP. So impressive was the vision that he took to buttonholing potential patrons—he was, in his words, a “new Columbus” in search of a Queen Isabelle. He also quoted a radio announcement supposedly made by Admiral Byrd from his arctic base in February 1947: ‘I’d like to see that land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown.’ He claimed that on this northern polar flight, Byrd had flown 1700 miles ‘beyond the earth’ before returning to his base, and had passed over “iceless land and lakes, and mountains where foliage was abundant. Moreover, a brief newspaper account of the flight held that a member of the admiral’s crew had observed a monstrous greenish-hued animal moving through the underbrush of that land beyond the Pole”. PlIYS!CAL CONTl! !,d,,;n.J ArrlvlDg at the.natloDal capital. the pIiartm butaIecl to the o8Ices of ScIeDce ~heA be met with 0IIII of the few open-minded men of _With ouch opoIHIIInded- .... he .... able to pen:eive beyood the tltlblithed pattaD of eormological values. Dr. Edwin E. S1auoa, tt- the feu- less DIrector of the Scleoee Service, patiently JiIteDed to a dramatic recital wltllOUt paNlleI wblch deocribed bow ODe might journey JtraI~t ahMd &an the suwc-d Earth -ends\" to urlve at celestial land ueu, bow IIIOVC>8IIt up II always relative. and appanont .up\"~ts of the UDivene would be attained by ~ftln':\" t ahead ill a DWIIIIr comparable to the western 0 Christopber Columbus to go to the East. Dr. Slosson was not an _ . DO< \",u he afraid of space phantoms. However, though be JuDy b'TllSped the import of aensational cIl.sclorweI, be was obllaed to counsel, \"GIannini, you will not find ten opeD-IIIiDaed men of scle\"\"\" throughout this entire COWtIry,- Despite such alncere couruel, ten men of tolerance were thereafter ardently lOU~t It mattered Uttle to the pIlgrtm whether they bore the I&bel of \"acIentIrt\" or aomethlDg • . If they existed and could UsIst ill the c:auae, they IhouId be found.. Zeal born of relentleas obo.olon would IxIIonte DO cessatiOll of the quest, whicb was apected to dewIop the lOeans for adequate diacIoo...... ODd uli:lmate .....sr-tIoo·of percepdon'. extraordinary 8ndings. He reelIad at an euly d.~te In tbe pUgrimage that espenslve atnllOlpMre _ t and elsborately equlpped espedItioDa beyood the North Pole and the Sooth Pole would be requlnod fot: .aIal COlI- firmatiOll of blJ dlsclooures. ADd with such reaIIzatIoa be .... poinfully aware that he WU a dIomaI. pauper. aa.ardIng to DO~ of kDoWtag this world', otandard of values. He bad then that his utmost wish would be p tbnJap the l'hyslcal initiative of othen who would _ to It tluit coa- Onnation would be cleveJOII\"d. The requited ~ ' '''''''1 and expeditiOlll wou)d be made. . bere is alao shown the region of at:moopberic cI.qoiIy between land owface and the Inner blue .ky. 'The cIiItaDce . - tIs the .....\" at ceIeot!al \\evel U It II at lAIITeItrial \\eveI, and the osygen II rufIIcIeot to IUStain vegetation and life at celestial level. In the CopemIcan coacept of pIanetuy isolation the SlID II usumed to occupy the ceater of the darlt stratosphere, and ~ outer sky areas of the Unlvene are as- sumed to he Isolated UDlII. ADd they are usumed to pm\" fOlm a rotative movement around the SUD ceater 01 a mathematically prescribed UDi~ subdivision known u the Solar S)'1tem. That Solar Syrtem arrugement, whkh embraces the Earth. represents something 01 a combined celestial and temostrial pinwheel. To malee foe easier com- prebensloa of Pbysleal Continuity, the pinwheel Solar Sys- tern center. or S..... has In a _y been pUlled out to dford It reasonable placement u a guide or leader for the. entire connected fIDivene. M the iIIustnotion shows, rtvery P\"'\" v!ously usumed Isolated ..... of the UDivene wboIe, in- cluding the Earth. bolds III orlglnal pDIItJollln the UDivene stJuctwe, and every area maintalnllII da!Ir and ~y rela- tion to the S..... AcconIin~ !liuJtration sbows bow the land and the . \" of the ·extend to and \"\"\"\"'\"\"\" wtth the Earth', imaginary Pole points, It .bows that we may move beyoad tile EArth withont \"falIIa& 01 the ..tg.\" 01' on!\"falUn off the 'ends.' \" foDawtng deocriptive material, in coojUlldion with the illustration, Ibould doni ample guidaDce foe COIIlpI&' hension of the factual Unl..- u it was created. ...a1) The darlt center reprseots the perpetually darlt stratosphere NrrOUDding the IernIItrIal die ceIeotIaL It Is put of the darlt void of infinity wherein the UDi_ whOle wu created. . 2) n,e luminolll outer putial disla. to he oboerved aogpaeidns0tYsetIr' aatnooaprebaesreofdtuhlecnuenut.verenper.esAenctonthtienu.kityy Upt devel- cLthe __ blue sky we oboerve &om land surface everywhere OIl the

I'd like to see that land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown!"the luminous terrestrial sky-curves each cover a land area one hundred miles in length and width. Then “cover” the arc of flight would precipitate the spaceship away from the Universe. On the other hand, insufficient power would I1>e following peg.. contain the Bnt ODd ooIy d.crlptioo of the Je&!1stIc Unlv..... of lind. \"\"Y&\"\"o aDd wgeta- HoD, where human ODd other forms 01 lolmll life .mmd 111is Is not • worlc of tlctlOD, nor Is It a techol..1 ualysb 01 anything. It Is a .lmp]\" recital 01 fact which tn». do the most elaborate tlct!oo ever conceived. It Is cII.unetrl i_,-

rln'>lCAL'a,NTIN1JITY OF TIIB \\lNlVDISZ 3S terrestrial Is seen by inhabitants of every other Unlvene :uea wben they. as do we, look up or out &om their respec> tive land-surface positions. In IOOldng throug!. their Inner blue sky at nl&J!t. they observe the lumiDooIty of our gaseous outer sky areas in preGisely the same IDADDeI' we observe their outer sky luminoslty against the dum..... SlDce their lenses cannot be expected to penetrate through areas of our luminous sky Ught and detect the land under our sky. it Is ncst likely that they have deduced as enoneously of our an\"nd as we have 01 their land. 3) Therelore, the inner side 01 outer luminous disk- ike areas of the illustration may he understood to repterent 'he famUiar gaseous sky enveloye observable &om any ter- an'atrial location as our particular blue sky. From other and areas olothe Universe the blue sky Ukew!se seen repn>- ;ents the particular sky 01 inhabitants of such areas. Inasmuch as recent U.S. 'aval stratosphere photographs ,I outer sky areas 1'\"\"'\" them to he luminous and ~­ ng the identical appearance of ce\\estJaI areas. oonfirrnatloo s had that there emts the same gaseous sky onntent for the ..,Iestial as is known to envelop the terrestrial. Since the tlrnlnosity 01 outer terrestrial ,Icy areas corresponds to that ,I outer eelestial sky \"!'<'8S. It foOows that atmospheric con- litions underlying the sky envelope where our eelestial 'Ousins dwell must correspond to atmospheric conditions orevaiUng at terrestrial level Thus the Inner blue sky must Iso correspond throughout the entire Universe. Our experl- nents show that without the existence of an inner blue sky ,I ~..eous content there cOuld be no luminous outer sky. dueh Is an expression 01 sky gas. to be observed over terres- ri.1 or eelestial areas. 4) Henee any Martians. Venusians, Jupiterlans. or lJ. •...ns. looking up or out horn their respective land posItioos, re during the day permitted to view their gaseous blue h envelope with the same vorying depth. or shades. of ,lue th.t we observe In our blue sky. 'the depth of blue \"ill depend upon atmospheric conditiOlll prevail!ng at the ·.rlous ..Iest.iol locatioas at the time of observation. Fur- WORLDS DEY01l/o ,_,\"_'\" POtts rgeusatnnaol'typoom.ftos..x/y'ge.n as that to which We have aCCess b . at ter_ P I The land extending beyond btelolytehonptd.:eortprhehesettPnoaMlleosUs.ensIa 3tI.S,3~a~ll . a minute area of worlds arOeaeso1f5 tl,e worlds enVl\"SJonedby eyMeairsst'asgodi.sIctloissuarelsan1d,93a0reayeraorosmagoof. the many mansions\" of Just beyond the northern and southern polar hinges of tl,e terrestrial contmue tI,e celestl:>.J land and waters leading mtharyouagthoonuct~.thaendUant ivweirllsecownhtinouke\"Fi0roummesyu,cWh Iptoholaurt pOints We \"sllooting up,\" to tlle valley of the Moon, and to Mars and JUpiter, and to any other area of the Universe whole' The so-called \"Heavens above,\" to be observed at every angle out from the terrestrial, begin where the northern and southern terrestrial polar Ice diminishes! A sel'en-hour iligllt into land areas of the \"Heavens abole\" was accomplished in the memorable Naval exploit of Febnlary, 1947. That performance beyond the North Pole paint of theory was so Simple that adequate explanation would have rendered it most confuSing And it is evident tllat no one was capable of explaining. In that 1947 naval- task-force flight there was land, and water, and vegetation, under the airplane COurse as progress was made north from tIle .\\'orth Pole point. If the naval force had possessed mo- tlve slIpplies enabling tllem to continue, and the eqUipment to prOI Ide essential bases along the route, they could have mthaerlel. pinesnteetardatoedf oinnltvo1,t7ll0e0 celestial for 100,000 miles and miles. TlJe 1956 naval 'penetration of land beyond the South Pole extended for 2,300 miles over land area of the so-called \"Heavens abo\\·e.\" Recent and planned international polar etpewtions can extend as far into the universe about us as PthOesisribrleeSpOeunrceetsraWtiioUnpermit. There is no end to the extent of The unlimited natural wealth of celestial areas extending &om the terrestrial Pole points has already developed a spirit of bitter CODJpetition between nations, And it should Martian and all other inhabitants of the Universe the identical so-called “Heavens above” which we see as their In 1959 Francis Amadeo Giannini published a weird book entitled Worlds Beyond the Poles. He was probably born in the late 1800s or early 1900s—maybe on exact a date as 1898, as the Oregon death index has someone by that exact name being born (somewhere) on 3 October 1898 (and dying in Multnomah County on 26 November 1973). But besides the name—which was not uncommon—and the approximate date of death, there’s nothing else to suggest this is the same Francis Amadeo Giannini who joined the Fortean Society in 1944, least of all the location of Portland, Oregon. WOlU. Uruverse depicted by the B DS liE\" e~tendU \" cortu!\"rn to further desc'npti'on 0 f the illustrati.ve un!- tt\" ;'5 we ret Id be borne in m ind that nothing has been said su;btenOtrhisu\"eeet,rips5ta:s~eht:tOi:tcU~eu0rlIntaehr. etWocewwleeihsdwtitiichalhll of unknown celestial are;lS of the r b be 4]lt;t6 ~~ uyocwfoancvTdierihstci,ehorbnneegsa,awrrtoenWelai,gvherest,awlbisrat~vel7eesn7'Uw..'h'vaahenvtiaehfts~~,wana,_vdes00'ther0sl;'f- acnodrdeev~e1sryo.me~_c_a_n_b_e_S___________________________ -Hcalth Il.-.h POBox aso Po\"\"\",y, W/o. 993.7 Toll Free: 188-8404·2386 www.healmre.e..t:bboob.com rtaST wmON- _..,V. ._..-. . . .c.p,ript. ,.., .., . , __ GIoaaIaI lID W_ lilt Str.I. New yon. I , N . Y. .......taaand fa t.II.t: UDUad SWa 01 AaMdca .~~ ~~.~~~J:= \"'yOND TH.I POLU: A (x)NDI.NSATlON.., P. A&MADro ClAHNlNL

space. Place your thumb on the illustration’s stratosphere section, then draw it toward you. That will describe where s nn: urnn:IlsE d r1lY d, might inf~nt f2b~~ no~ lik~~~u('ar. 'SIC,u, co/'l'l'l the rnnTY of hich she ha p I You have I do of my of '\" et,,,\", of \",,,bi\"'\" h,ye d..tro) ed th\", to ,,\"ow\"J ~g d to the 0 stork You e expect that mo lity she praye c0' OUaway~s. .. Would on whereby the rea d to decry the I,k~ood ~o~e u lfdors haell bteh expect,e s that could do the medIUm e illUSIOn chJ condemnht to light? ...'\" ,,,,u'h d\"\"n~'?1. [or \\ , age 0Idhi,gm,aenalictoyns ght from earlie,.t.,Mdo.f d \" ,Ib,e,,cgram\"\"m,dgimblteoan th,directei,d '\"to\"wa,d th. , \"qeruuia,t,e\"ownodd The tan tivity is \",IE~%:~h d\"d\",~ I~::;'ould o~:,~ dep'~i.knowledge dwelL And w facts of the Hnm vise? Has h,.e it th of the Sun th manner ill •w~:';,::\", ligh'.w d ::fbowledg, \" tow dedl'P'''''kyd? the e h acquISltion th is . mediate s , ated thrtl°uf light and wann illl because re- obtshee~eSd ~a1d'gsarlienessdst, whICh 1a Has the golden wherever one rcaetnhter than predc~estera~rderbe consldetrhee pos- stratosphere causes an ted from than dreams be and isfIbwleeportent the human withm h blood were tfo less t an i- mbroavme?mCenotul0d Iat \"st~si0tfm. I'tslacboomraptoosr\"y if and when Your tion and are away.h ir origmal ende' avor? I oafntcieent gentIbe- No, dear ~tIetinue to be 0 will continue cO~,e gcl~modern classificatIOn, by mers. The man named the e be~as~Ittrioiiu>naonwdae~rst~a?diGbn}e)g(it)h,0re- served unto lenses ar will chan~g~ ~Utl~)Ugh7~e~~estlemen with dergowho on~g~ry~t\"pphsuritenartprga\"otls.vtoeoanlelusu0esnf' ialalnluldsisotuhncehofpoints of celestial sky lig I the following is taken from the book Worlds Beyond the Poles, I don't have original sources for theseand the celestial would take the hapless explorers away from the Universe structure and project him into infinite

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