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Control Unleashed Reactive To Relaxed

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häiriösieto harjoittelua missä siirrytään esim. matolta toiselle – koira otetaan kaavaan mukaan ja siirtyminen tapahtuu matolle hallittuna Before becoming a behavior consultant, Leslie worked with children as a museum educator, an environmental educator, and a humane educator. She also played Celtic harp professionally. Working with at-risk kids in a variety of educational settings, as well as playing music in a couple of Irish folk bands, further refined Leslie's natural instincts for the timing, rhythm and connection it takes to make a good team--instincts that have served her well in her work with dogs.

I would give this book 3.5 stars if the option was available. I had very high expectations for this book based on other people's recommendations, but unfortunately it didn't live up to them for me.

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Leslie McDevittin mukaan Control Unleashed sopii kaikille koirille, jotka hyötyvät suhteesta ihmiseen. Harjoitusten kautta koiralle opetetaan vireensäätelyä, ohjaajafokusta, keskittymistä, rauhoittumista ja häiriönsietoa koiraa kuunnellen. Harjoitukset ovat sovellettavissa erilaisille koirille rodusta ja iästä riippumatta. Niistä on hyötyä niin arkielämässä kuin erilaisissa koiraharrastuksissa eteentulevissa tilanteissa. Chapter twenty focuses on economy of energy. McDevitt strives to make us aware of the amount of energy a puppy uses up just simply processing his environment. She continues by examining the bite threshold model in chapter twenty one. I was watching them using an exercise that was called The Look At That.. I didn’t know yet that would become my favourite exercise to teach to my students and my own dogs! Melissa Breau: Denise's program. I just think it's super-super-interesting to think about how those two things overlap in really interesting ways.

Paying attention is its own skill set and teaching it should be separate from teaching your puppy more complex behaviors. Without attention, you won't get as far as you want with all those other behaviors you're going to teach because it's likely they will fall apart in the face of distraction. So it is wise to teach the attention skill set as the base of operations for your puppy training. The attention skill set includes: Discrimination skills, self-control skills, and arousal regulation skills. Control Unleashed: Reactive to Relaxed is a welcome new installment in Leslie McDevitt's Control Unleashed® series. In this highly personal and very useful book, Leslie shares manypractical exercises designed to help deal with the common but elusive statements of 'give our animals choice,''have a dialogue with your animal,'and 'teach an alternative behavior.'Thisis new book is full of new exercises and stories that many trainers will find immediately useful for their own anxious dogs or to help the dogs of clients. Control Unleashed: Reactiveto Relaxed is sure to become a must-have resource for trainers at all levels." Melissa Breau: I think the main … where you started with the idea of just remembering what it's like to be on the human side, even when you're working with dogs, is an important takeaway. That idea of being able to still be empathetic. In this classic book, Dog Behaviour Consultant Leslie McDevitt provides us with a programme to help ‘dogs with issues’ learn how to relax, focus and work reliability off lead in a distracting, stimulating or stressful environment.Chapter fives moves on to simultaneously building focus and changing attitudes. McDevitt introduces us to the Look At That! game, explaining how this works, and why she likes it so much. McDevitt also shows us parallel games, which gives the dog a task to focus on while working near other dogs. She explains in detail how to use parallel racing, giving advice on working with motion-triggered dogs and training a reactive dog to watch other dogs in motion. So it's giving them between three and four repeating things over and over that is so predictable for them that they just trust this is what's going to happen next. There's a bunch of those. I made one for if you have to walk a dog through crowded dog show, if you have to wait in line, if you're sitting in class, if you're walking on the street. There's moving ones, stationary ones. Chapter 23: Reorienting Chapter 24: Leave It Chapter 25: Whiplash Turn Chapter 26: Look at That! Chapter 27: Mat Work Chapter 28: Off-Switch Game Chapter 29: Give Me a Break Game Chapter 30: Parallel Games Chapter 31: Box Work Chapter 32: Puppy Ping-Pong Chapter 33: Watch the Distracted Handler The concepts and suggestions in this book can also be used for rescue dogs that, like puppies, are starting out as blank slates as far as your training is concerned. In chapter eighteen McDevitt considers shaping, before moving on to integrative training in chapter nineteen. This she describes as the balance of body, mind and spirit in animal training, which she explains as the puppy being both reliable and happy and relaxed in performing behaviours.

What it is, is an update "next chapter" sort of addition the the CU system. And I really, REALLY like some of her new ways of looking at and doing things... particularly the idea that CU games (such as look at that) offer a means to what she calls "conversational training" of the dog, where the dog can tell YOU what concerns him and what he needs to do about them, and offer the dog a way of directing and controlling his exposure to situations he finds difficult. (I'm probably not explaining that real well, but, read the book!!) Not only does this make a lot of intuitive sense to me -- athough I never in a million years would have seen it that way on my own -- I have also found that just keeping those concepts in mind has let me be a lot more effective when taking my "project dog" to exciting or difficult places, and he's responded really really well, although I could not tell you *exactly* what I've done differently. Leslie McDevitt: Exactly. Because they trust it, and that's like you're signing the contract. Your end of the bargain is you have to keep it going as long as they are telling you to, because they have to trust that this … you're giving the dog a system, and this system has to work, or there's no point in using it. You have to pay attention. Muutama viikko sitten pääsin osallistumaan CU eli Control Unleashed – webbiseminaariin. Seminaarissa käytiin lävitse Leslie Mc Devittin kehittämää CU konseptia ja sen sovelluksia eri lajeissa. Seminaari antoi loistavia esimerkkejä miten soveltaa eri tekniikoita. Työkalupakki kasvoi isolla kasalla ideoita vietäväksi osaksi kouluttamista. CU metodissa käytetään käytöksen muokkaukseen paljon kaavamaisia pelejä (pattern games). Kaavamaisuuden on tarkoitus antaa koiralle selkeä kuva, miten se tässä pelissä hallita ympäristön tapahtumia ja samalla myös se oppii tietämään mitä tapahtuu pelissä, missäkin vaiheessa. Koiralle luodaan siis tietyllä tavalla toimiva ympäristö, mitä se voi käytöksellää ohjata. Samalla koiran käytös antaa kouluttajalla palautetta siitä, miten koira tilanteen näkee ja pystyy säätämään häiriöt sen mukaan. Tavoitteena rento ja omaan viretilaa hallitseva koira.Leslie McDevitt: By pattern, I mean a series of repetitive things that are predictable and reliable. If the dog is going to be exposed to something that distracts it, upsets it, excites it, something that they're going to notice, it's easier for them to recover from that and keep focusing on whatever their work is in the moment, if they're operating within a structure where they know the next thing that's going to happen, and they know the next thing after that that's going to happen. Melissa Breau: How fun! I wanted to chat because you're going to do a webinar for FDSA on February 6 about your pattern games. For those who haven't had a chance to hear you talk about them before, and who haven't read the book, can you give a brief description of what pattern games are?

So it reminds me, because so many people are … they're very emotional. It's very emotional. There's so much involved in having a dog that's hard to live with or hard to train. And it's also very emotional having a kid that's hard to live with and hard to train. CU-ohjelma sisältää runsaasti erilaisia pattern gameja, koulutuspelejä, joiden avulla koiralle opetetaan hyödyllisiä taitoja. Pelit ovat yksinkertaisia (joskaan eivät alkuun aina ihan helppoja ohjaajalle), koska niiden yhtenä tarkoituksena on, että myös koira oppii pelin säännöt. Pelien ennakoitavuuden avulla koiralle voidaan opettaa taitoja toimia erilaisissa tilanteissa. Control Unleashed-ohjelman perjaatteina ovat koiran ja ihmisen aito vuorovaikutus ja vuoropuhelu, koiran eleiden lukeminen sekä koiran tunnetilojen mukaan toimiminen, koiran oma-aloitteisuuden ja omaehtoisuuden tukeminen ja näiden kautta koiran voimaannuttaminen. Ohjelma perustuu myös virheettömän oppimisen perjaatteelle, eli harjoitukset suunnitellaan etukäteen niin, että koiralla on koko ajan mahdollisuus onnistua.Chapter nine covers McDevitt’s protocol for food arousal, looking at using food as reinforcement for the performance puppy, and teaching the dog to be in the presence of food without offering behaviours. Chapter thirteen continues with reassurance-seeking behaviours, explaining why and in what circumstances puppies will do this, as well as how you can worsen the problem.

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